Lawsuit Filed Against Tennessee DHS for SNAP Program Failures
The Tennessee Justice Center, Hogan Lovells, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger and others, on behalf of twelve named plaintiffs and a class of similarly situated low-income Tennesseans, filed a federal lawsuit against Clarence H. Carter, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS), for systemic failures in administering the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
This lawsuit seeks to hold the State of Tennessee accountable for its persistent failure to determine eligibility for SNAP benefits on time, in violation of federal law, resulting in significant harm to low-income households. The Plaintiffs assert that these failures include delays in processing initial and recertification applications, issuing timely and accurate notices, and providing prompt appeal decisions. This suit alleges that as a result, applicants and SNAP participants have experienced hunger, malnutrition, and financial hardship.
The complaint, which can be accessed here, seeks declaratory, injunctive, and other relief to ensure the timely and accurate processing of SNAP applications and appeals.