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Abbie Fuksman

Atlanta, GA

Abbie Fuksman is a dedicated advocate for access to quality, affordable health care regardless of health status, social need, or income. A health care advocacy and policy professional, Ms. Fuksman also has extensive executive experience working with health plans, employers and health care providers.

Her work experience has included Graduate Health Systems, Humana, Empire Blue Cross, American College of Physicians, and many social advocacy organizations focused on better access to health care coverage and strengthen the social safety net.

She has also served on the Boards of several non-profit organizations, (including Congregation Bet Haverim) and was a founding Board Member of Sojourn, a Jewish educational non- profit for LGBTQ youth and their caregivers.

Currently Abbie is serving on the Executive Board of Georgians for a Healthy Future, advocating for policy change that advances health equity in the state. She also serves on the JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council) Board, helping them navigate health care advocacy and lobbying. She serves as a health care point person for current legislation with JDWS (Jewish Democratic Women’s Salon).

Abbie is dedicated to improving health care policies through legislative actions and social activism. She believes that community outreach, coalition building, strategic communication, and public policy advocacy will build a longer track record of policy wins. Abbie became involved at MAZON as a member of the Government Affairs and Public Policy Committee.