Resources for Current Students

Current students can start a fundraising page and access The Hub to access resources, connect with each other, and communicate with our staff.

Find a Chapter

Since 2004, Challah for Hunger chapters across the country have raised over $2 million for anti-hunger organizations and advocated for an end to food insecurity among college students. There might be a current chapter near you!

Start a Chapter

Start a chapter on your college campus, at your school, or with your community to host regular bakes and challah sales. It’s not just for college students!


Join Us to Get Social

Connect with @MAZONusa on social media to share your Challah for Hunger pictures, events, ideas, and recipes!

Stay up to date on our news.

How Can I Support This Program?

Your donation will help sustain current Challah for Hunger chapters and expand our reach to new leaders to further build and grow the national response to hunger.

A Look Back
Since 2004, Challah for Hunger chapters across the country have engaged thousands of college students, raising over $2 million for anti-hunger organizations and working with organizations like MAZON to build visibility for the issue of college hunger. Together, MAZON, Challah for Hunger, and a wide array of anti-hunger partners built a robust policy response to college hunger at the state and federal levels, complementing Challah for Hunger’s on-campus initiatives.

What’s Ahead?
MAZON is now the home for the Challah for Hunger program. Challah for Hunger chapters have access to the full spectrum of MAZON’s resources and educational programming, including The Hunger Museum and This Is Hunger, and they still have access to all the resources of The Hub (an archive of campus chapter materials) to help them build and grow. We are working with Challah for Hunger students and alumni to grow their advocacy skills, together advancing public policies that seek to end hunger and its causes.

Learn More
Hungry College Students Need Help (New York Times)

Re “A Food Pantry That Keeps Hunger at Bay for Needy College Students,” by James Barron (New York Today newsletter,, Aug. 14) Read more.

College Hunger Visibility: Opportunities for Permanent Change in the 2023 Farm Bill

Food insecurity, or the lack of consistent, accessible, and adequate food, impacts an alarming number of college students- at a rate far higher than across all U.S. households. Furthermore, the rates of food insecurity experienced by first-generation students, students of color and community college/two-year college students are even more shocking. Read more.

Frequently Asked Questions: Challah for Hunger Transition to MAZON

MAZON is excited and honored to be the new home of Challah for Hunger. We put together answers to some frequently asked questions for the transition. Read more.