By The Numbers: COVID-19 and Hunger

October 23, 2020

Before COVID-19, there were nearly 40 million people facing food insecurity. Now, with skyrocketing unemployment, we expect that there are over 80 million people at risk of hunger, and the numbers are still rising.

Congress must #BoostSNAPNow, particularly since the Administration has failed to fully meet the needs of all those facing hunger.

SNAP is our country’s most important anti-hunger program. And in this moment, SNAP’s unique value can help strengthen the recovery for individuals and communities ravaged by the pandemic by — providing support to anyone who needs it without judgment, showing recipients both dignity and respect, and providing life-saving benefits that keep Americans healthy, safe, and well-nourished, and boosting economic activity to support local businesses and workers throughout the food chain.

MAZON COVID-19 and Hunger Infographic