Take Action for School Meals

February 22, 2023

School meals are a critical source of nutrition for many children, sometimes accounting for over half of their daily calories. Yet, many students are cut off from this resource because of cost and stigma barriers. 

MAZON is grounded in a central belief: regardless of a person’s circumstance, no one deserves to be hungry. Currently, 1 in 8 children faces food insecurity in America. This is a disgrace. Hungry kids can’t learn and thrive. 

Universal School Meals would make free, nutritious food available for all students in our country’s public schools and ensure that no child has to worry about where their next meal will come from during the school day. It is a necessary step toward ending hunger and ensuring all children can succeed.

Three states have made school meals permanently free for all students. There is legislation in  several states to do the same. Could your state be next? Sign our Letter of Support for School Meals for All!

Would you like to learn more about Universal School Meals? Read about MAZON’s role in the successful 2022 ballot initiative to pass universal school meals in Colorado. 

Ready to engage more deeply, and/or discuss bringing anti-hunger advocacy to your congregation or community? Contact outreach@mazon.org and we’ll get started.