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The Great American Deli Schlep: Meet Steve

Steve Goode
May 25, 2021

I’m Steve Goode, Jewish motorcycle enthusiast!

After many years of riding motorcycles and embarking on three major cross-country motorcycle rides, I’ve decided to blend my passion for motorcycle adventures with my involvement in the Jewish community to take on my most spiritually rewarding ride yet: The Great American Deli Schlep!

Thus far, my enthusiasm for motorcycle rides has led me on a 13,400-mile journey to the Four Corners of the U.S., a 14,500-mile tour of all 48 contiguous states, and a 17,300-mile adventure through all of the National Parks in the continental U.S. So when I first saw this list on Nosher mapping the best Jewish deli in every state, my wheels started turning – literally and figuratively. Who wouldn’t want to go on the ultimate deli motorcycle trip? After discussing this new idea with my wife, she suggested I reach out to MAZON. And so my next adventure was born – a 16,000-mile, 75-day journey to delis across the country, supporting MAZON and raising awareness about hunger in the U.S.

I’m motivated and encouraged by MAZON’s dedication to ending hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds. Planning this trip has taught me so much about the persistent hunger crisis so many people face – since COVID-19 began, food insecurity has doubled. 80 million Americans face food insecurity today, unsure of where their next meal is coming from! I’m hopeful that The Great American Deli Schlep will help amplify the conversation about hunger in America and I’m eager to start the dialogue with communities who are unaware of its scope and magnitude.

Though my deli schlep will be a solo trip, I’m looking forward to connecting with family, friends, and other Jewish bikers across the country, especially fellow members of the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance.

I’m also excited to eat some great deli sandwiches and, hopefully, meet some of you! I hope you’ll join me for a nosh in your city – I’d love to hear your menu recommendations and tell you how, together, we can support MAZON’s fight to end hunger. Check out the map of my route to see if I’m coming to a deli near you! 

If you have any questions or would like more information about The Great American Deli Schlep, please reach out to Brit Finney, MAZON’s Development Associate. You can also follow my ride on MAZON’s social media channels — be sure to check in frequently for updates from the road.

Thank you for your interest in my adventure and for supporting MAZON – I hope to see you on the road!