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MAZON Continues to Advocate for Food Insecure in Light of Election Results (Jewish Journal)

Deb Eckerling
November 14, 2024

This piece was originally published in the Jewish Journal on November 12, 2024.


On November 6, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger released a statement, vowing to continue their fight on behalf of food-insecure Americans nationwide. This declaration of commitment was released following the announcement of Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 presidential election.

“As anti-hunger advocates, we are keenly aware of the importance of working with our nation’s leaders and policymakers to address hunger in America,” Abby J. Leibman, president & CEO at MAZON, told The Journal. “We know that changes in leadership signal possible changes in the nutrition safety net, including SNAP, on which 47 million Americans living in food insecurity must rely.”

The statement read: “As advocates for our nation’s most vulnerable, we will not turn away, nor surrender to shock or anger or grief in the face of whatever comes. Our values as a Jewish organization ground us and give us strength and purpose in recognizing our obligation to all people who struggle.”

MAZON, which has been actively preparing for this moment, said it would not waver in its mission to protect and strengthen America’s comprehensive and robust nutrition safety net, as it continues to strive to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds.

“Our history has taught us to be ready for moments such as these, and we are prepared for the challenges ahead,” Leibman said. “This election has underscored how very vital [our] work will be moving forward.

MAZON, which is about to celebrate its 40th anniversary, has long been a leader in making certain that overlooked populations that struggle with hunger are not denied access to nutrition programs.

“While we may not know exactly what the next four years hold for us, we do know we have survived and surpassed administrations before who have shown contempt for the neediest among us,” the statement continued. “Our faith affirms that all people are B’tselem Elohim, created in the image of God. As such, we will continue to do everything in our power to secure a future where every person is able to feed themselves and their loved ones with dignity, even if those in higher office prove unwilling to join us in that effort.”

Leibman said MAZON will continue to fight on behalf of food insecure military families, veterans and Tribal Nations in Congress and with the Administration to ensure they are given the resources they need to feed themselves and their families. “We have also been prepared to look to the leadership of our nation’s states, where federal policies are implemented, and innovative and responsive policies can be secured,” she said.

Also on MAZON’s radar is prioritizing meeting the hunger needs of single mothers, college students and LGBTQ seniors whose food security is greatly influenced by state policies and opportunities. “Our donors, our partners and our nation’s policymakers are looking to us to continue our leadership in anti-hunger advocacy,” she said.

When asked what people can do to support and assist the food insecure, Leibman talked about how the voices of the Jewish community are essential and powerful.

“We bring our values, traditions and teachings to the hard work of crafting legislative solutions to food insecurity,” she said. “Our nation’s policymakers must hear us – and they will – if we raise our voices together to ensure that those who struggle with hunger are neither forgotten nor attacked, but given resources and opportunities to thrive in America.”