News Coverage from MAZON’s testimony before the House Agriculture Subcommittee
November 18, 2021
Last week, MAZON delivered powerful Congressional testimony about veteran and military hunger before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations. You can watch the full hearing and read the prepared testimony from Mia Hubbard, MAZON’s Vice President of Programs, here.
Following the hearing, several news outlets covered MAZON’s expertise and solutions to this important problem:
- Seaman who was denied food stamps says at Hayes’ hearing on veterans’ hunger he lived like a ‘caveman’, NewsTimes, 11/12/21
- Some troops are driven to suicide by hunger, experts say, Roll Call, 11/11/21
- Advocates call for ‘urgent’ action to end military, veteran food insecurity, Military Times, 11/10/21
- Navy vet recalls homelessness, hunger: ‘A desperation I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy’, FOX23 News, 11/10/21
- Veteran advocates urge Congress to help families avoid food insecurity, UPI, 11/10/21
- Veterans, Active-Duty Service Members and Hunger, DTN Progressive Farmer, 11/10/21
- Reforming Food Assistance Program Should be Priority for Veterans, Military Families, Nonprofit Leaders Argue, Medill News Service, 11/10/21