National Anti-Hunger Leader Slams Congressional Republicans for “Shameful” Continuing Resolution
Following today’s vote by the U.S. Senate to approve a full-year continuing resolution (CR) that will hurt American families and accelerate the growing food insecurity crisis, leading anti-hunger advocate MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger released the following statement slamming Republican leadership for abandoning millions of Americans in need.
Abby J. Leibman, President & CEO of MAZON, stated:
“This continuing resolution is a complete disgrace. Speaker Johnson and Majority Leader Thune promised order, but they have delivered only chaos. They promised to stand by hard-working Americans, but they have only stood by their wealthy patrons. They promised to put their constituents and the Constitution first, but they have only ceded their Congressional power to a President who so clearly disdains them and holds them in contempt.
“At a time when more than 47 million Americans are struggling with food insecurity, Republicans in Congress have chosen to advance policies that recklessly gut programs addressing hunger and its causes. While setting up to blame the Democrats for a potential government shutdown, this continuing resolution is essentially a permission slip for Donald Trump and Elon Musk to shut down the government. In no way does it reflect the real needs of American families, nor the integrity of our democracy.
“When Congress fails at bipartisan governance as they have today, it is the most vulnerable among us who suffer first and most. Shame on those who have voted for this bill. Shame on those who would offer a closed fist instead of an open palm to those facing hunger. Shame on those who have left their constituents not only scared and confused, but furious that their elected officials have failed to meet their basic needs. We demand better.”