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Anti-Hunger Leader: House Budget a “Betrayal” of Americans in Need

February 25, 2025

Tonight, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a budget resolution that would make life harder for everyday American families while extending tax breaks for the wealthy. Leading anti-hunger advocate MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger sharply criticized the budget resolution, particularly its proposed pay-fors: severe cuts to resources that millions of Americans depend on like nutrition assistance and health care.

Abby J. Leibman, President & CEO of MAZON, stated:

“This budget resolution is an absolute betrayal. It is a betrayal of children, of seniors, of veterans. It is a betrayal of people with disabilities and their caretakers. It is a betrayal of every single one of the more than 47 million Americans struggling with hunger. Today, we saw members of Congress turn their backs on their constituents who were counting on them to lower costs and help them survive, all so that the richest of the rich can save a few more bucks on their taxes.

“Targeting safety net programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for cuts is morally indefensible and economically backwards. Congress still has an opportunity to do what’s right on behalf of their constituents before this budget blueprint is translated into law, but whatever happens, MAZON and our partners will continue to deploy every tool we have to fight on behalf of those in need. We all deserve leaders who will fight for us instead of against us, and no one – regardless of circumstance – deserves the pain and indignity of hunger.”

The House FY25 budget resolution (H.Con.Res.14) directs the House Agriculture Committee to slash programs in its jurisdiction by at least $230 billion through 2034, with these cuts expected to come largely or entirely from SNAP. These cuts, in addition to the massive cuts directed at programs in other committees’ jurisdictions (Medicaid, Pell Grants, etc.), are intended to help pay for an extension of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (which is projected to increase deficits by over $4.5 trillion over ten years). This follows last week’s Senate vote to adopt a narrower budget resolution instructing the Senate Agriculture Committee to cut at least $1 billion over the same period.