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Congress Must:
Protect and Strengthen the Nutrition Safety Net

Congress must approach the Farm Bill reauthorization process by reflecting on our shared values, exploring effective policy solutions, and acting with compassion and humanity towards those in need of assistance. Congress must protect and strengthen SNAP and other essential federal nutrition assistance programs, remove barriers to access for struggling individuals and families, and increase access to affordable, nutritious foods for vulnerable populations.


Learn more about MAZON’s policy priorities for the Farm Bill

Ensure Food Sovereignty in Indian Country

For centuries, diverse Native food systems nourished tribes and Native communities, but unfortunately today nearly 25% of Indigenous communities are food insecure and the federal government bars tribes from administering critical nutrition programs like SNAP and school meals. Tribes and Indigenous communities want to address food insecurity on their own terms, and they need the resources and autonomy for a self-determined, food-secure future.


Learn more about MAZON’s Farm Bill priorities for Indian Country

Ensure Food Security Among Active-Duty Military Families

Food insecurity among military families is a matter of national security — it has negative impacts on readiness, retention, and recruitment. Much of this pervasive problem stems from the fact that many military families are shut out of accessing SNAP and other food assistance programs, which forces them to quietly turn for help to food pantries that operate on or near every single military base in the U.S.


Learn more about MAZON’s Farm Bill priorities for military families.

Improve Equity for the People of Puerto Rico

The people of Puerto Rico are American citizens who contribute to the economic, cultural, and social fabric of our country. Yet, over 43% of Puerto Ricans struggle with poverty and can only access the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) rather than SNAP. Since NAP is a block grant, it has much less flexibility than SNAP, which leaves Puerto Ricans uniquely vulnerable to food security during natural disasters.


Learn more about MAZON’s Farm Bill priorities for the people of Puerto Rico.

Address the Needs of America's Veterans

Many veterans face food insecurity without help from the country they served — in part due to stigma, shame, and lack of information about federal nutrition programs. Efforts to reframe SNAP as a work program would have a harmful impact on America’s veterans, who often face unique challenges in securing and maintaining full-time work. Imposing harsher SNAP time limits will not improve employment outcomes — it will increase hunger and hardship for struggling veterans.


Learn more about MAZON’s Farm Bill priorities for veterans.

Take Action

Tell Congress: Protect SNAP in the Farm Bill

In addition to authorizing SNAP and other federal nutrition programs, the Farm Bill presents a unique opportunity to advance long-overdue policy solutions to the food security challenges of many special populations that MAZON prioritizes.

Learn More
Leading Anti-Hunger Expert Celebrates ‘Visionary’ Senate Farm Bill Proposal, Warns Against Partisan House Outline

“MAZON applauds the visionary and powerful proposals made by Chairwoman Stabenow for our nation’s nutrition safety net in her proposed Farm Bill reauthorization,” said Abby J. Leibman, President and CEO of MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger. Read more.

MAZON Joins Partners to Advocate for the People of Puerto Rico

MAZON and its partners urged Congress to address the importance of equity and parity for the people of Puerto Rico. Read more.

The Jewish Imperative to Act: MAZON’s Hunger Action Month

This August, we are calling you and your community to action for MAZON’s Hunger Action Month. Read more.

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