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By the Numbers
About $2.00

Amount that the average SNAP recipient receives per meal.

Every SNAP dollar

generates between $1.50 and $1.80 in economic activity.

1 in 8 Americans

now use SNAP to buy their groceries. SNAP grew by 17% in the first three months of COVID-19.

This is Hunger

“The food stamps we get aren’t enough to feed four people for a month. It makes me feel sad that my parents sometimes feed us kids and not themselves.”

“When my food stamps run out, it’s kinda scary not knowing if I'm gonna have any money to eat tomorrow.”

"I make sure that my son eats and then I worry about myself. That’s just what a parent does. I take him to a lunch program to make sure he’s getting food."

Urge Congress to Protect Life-Saving Federal Aid

President Trump released a swath of unlawful executive orders and issued a memo directing agencies to withhold approved federal grants, including those that provide assistance to millions of Americans facing food insecurity. The unilateral and unlawful freezing of federal aid — resources that have been provided by Congress — throws support for food security and other anti-poverty programs into jeopardy. While we do not yet know the impact of this policy directive, we know that it is reckless and cruel. It could have truly devastating consequences for Americans of all walks of life. MAZON is activating every tool at our disposal to fight back against this — please join us in calling on every Member of Congress to do the same.

Take action now.

Urge Congress to protect SNAP and lift up other MAZON priorities in the Farm Bill

The Farm Bill is one of the most transformational pieces of legislation that Congress regularly reauthorizes, and it is up for renewal. In addition to authorizing SNAP (food stamps) and other federal nutrition programs that serve tens of millions of Americans each year, the Farm Bill presents a unique opportunity to advance long-overdue policy solutions to the food security challenges of many special populations that MAZON prioritizes. Take action now.

Learn more
Congress Must Increase Funding for SNAP (Washington Post)

Abby J. Leibman, MAZON’s President & CEO, has a letter to the editor in the Washington Post about the Nov. 22 front-page article “Thanksgiving tenacity: ‘They can’t eat a gift card’.” Read More

By The Numbers: COVID-19 and Hunger

Before COVID-19, there were nearly 40 million people facing food insecurity. Now, with skyrocketing unemployment, we expect that there are over 80 million people at risk of hunger, and the numbers are still rising. Read more.

The U.S. Government’s Failed COVID-19 Response Echoes Historic Mistreatment of Native Americans

The U.S. government’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating impacts across the country, but perhaps nowhere more than in Indian Country, where the neglect echoes historic mistreatment of Native Americans, experts said in a recent panel event hosted by MAZON. The panel, which coincided with Native American Heritage Month, featured experts in this field and addressed various ways to strengthen food security and food sovereignty in Indian Country. Read more.

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