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MAZON Bookshelf

MAZON’s virtual Bookshelf is stocked with carefully selected works of fiction and non-fiction related to issues of hunger in America. Choose a book to read on your own or suggest one of the titles at your next book club meeting. Please send book reviews and recommendations to Naama Haviv, Vice President of Community Engagement.

Books for Adults: 

Books for Children

Take Action

Make a gift to MAZON’s Spotlight Fund

Your partnership allows MAZON to be the national Jewish voice dedicated to fighting hunger, particularly for those facing hunger whose struggles are too often over-looked, disregarded, or discounted. Together, we have made a commitment to shine a spotlight on those issues and populations where larger organizations and the government have yet to turn their focus.

Your support of MAZON’s Spotlight Fund helps us fight hunger, particularly for those who are often over-looked, disregarded, or discounted. Together, we shine a spotlight on issues of food insecurity among military families, veterans, Native Americans, single mothers, LGBTQ seniors, college students, and the people of Puerto Rico and the territories. Your gift today strengthens this mission and helps to build a community dedicated to ending hunger for everyone. Join us.

Urge Congress to Advance Solutions for Single Mothers Facing Hunger

Congress must improve access to vital nutrition benefits for single mothers and address the many circumstances and systemic challenges that contribute to hunger. Take action now.

Educate Your Community

MAZON offers a suite of materials to help educate and engage individuals and communities about the scope of hunger and how we can work together to end it. Learn more.

Urge Congress to Reintroduce the Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act

Join us in urging Congress to reintroduce the Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act, which would enable Tribes to administer child nutrition programs in Indian Country and ensure culturally appropriate food. Take action now.

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