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Planned Giving

As you consider your legacy, we invite you to join our Legacy Society by designating MAZON as a beneficiary of your estate plan. Please call our office at (800) 813-0557 or contact Rebecca Ward, Major Gifts Officer, to learn more.

Planned Gifts to support MAZON today

IRA Charitable Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution)

Allows individuals who have reached age 70 ½ to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without treating the distribution as taxable income.


Gifts of appreciated securities such as stocks, bonds, mutual fund units.

Planned Gifts to support MAZON tomorrow

Charitable Bequests

The most popular type of estate gift is a bequest. Most bequests come in the form of a trust or will. A bequest gift to MAZON is a promise now to support our mission tomorrow.

Beneficiary Designation Gifts

A simple and flexible way to support MAZON is to designate MAZON as a beneficiary of a retirement or investment account, or your life insurance policy.

Life Income Gifts

Life income gifts allow donors to leave a gift in the care of MAZON while earning income during their lifetime. The two most popular life income gifts are charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts.

Legacy Society

Legacy gifts ensure your support will make a difference for years to come. By designating MAZON as a beneficiary of your estate plan, you empower MAZON to continue to fight to end hunger for as long as it continues to be an issue.

Have a question? Our team would be happy to speak with you. Please contact Rebecca Ward, Major Gifts Officer.

Already included us in your estate plan? Let us know.

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