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We hope you will utilize our resources and opportunities for individuals, synagogues, schools, and community groups to learn more and join us to end hunger. Please contact Naama Haviv, Vice President of Community Engagement, with any questions about how to bring MAZON’s resources to your community.

K-12 Curriculum
At any grade level, students can learn about hunger and its causes, explore the Jewish values of tzedakah and tikkun olam, and speak truth to power.
Hunger & Jewish Texts
Jewish text and traditions address our responsibility to care for the poor and hungry among us. MAZON has curated a robust list of key verses from weekly Torah portions and related talking points for sermons.
Educational Materials
MAZON’s educational materials include activity worksheets, factsheets, brochures, infographics, selfie signs and more. You can print many of these yourself or contact us.
Jewish Holiday Materials
Jewish holidays are not only full of meaningful ritual and celebration; they also offer teachings that guide us in living out our Jewish values, including our commitment to ending hunger.
This is Hunger
MAZON’s This Is Hunger digital experience illustrates who struggles with hunger in America and why. To accompany this immersive program, MAZON has created a facilitation guide, wrap-around activities, and additional resources.
Legislative Resources
MAZON has created extensive resources about policies at the federal, state, and local levels that aim to end hunger — join us to protect nutrition assistance and improve our systems to help those struggling with food insecurity.
MAZON Bookshelf
MAZON’s virtual bookshelf is stocked with carefully selected works of fiction and non-fiction related to issues of hunger in America.
Materials Request
Order MAZON materials online — everything from Donation Envelopes to our Annual Report.
This is Hunger

“I'm very proud to be a veteran, but to have protected freedom overseas and then come back home to struggle myself is very disheartening.”

“When my food stamps run out, it’s kinda scary not knowing if I'm gonna have any money to eat tomorrow.”

“The food stamps we get aren’t enough to feed four people for a month. It makes me feel sad that my parents sometimes feed us kids and not themselves.”

"I make sure that my son eats and then I worry about myself. That’s just what a parent does. I take him to a lunch program to make sure he’s getting food."

Take Action

Take Action to Support Military Families

Please join us in urging all members of Congress to address the long-overdue issue of military hunger. Take action now.

Make a gift to MAZON’s Spotlight Fund

Your partnership allows MAZON to be the national Jewish voice dedicated to fighting hunger, particularly for those facing hunger whose struggles are too often over-looked, disregarded, or discounted. Together, we have made a commitment to shine a spotlight on those issues and populations where larger organizations and the government have yet to turn their focus.

Your support of MAZON’s Spotlight Fund helps us fight hunger, particularly for those who are often over-looked, disregarded, or discounted. Together, we shine a spotlight on issues of food insecurity among military families, veterans, Native Americans, single mothers, LGBTQ seniors, college students, and the people of Puerto Rico and the territories. Your gift today strengthens this mission and helps to build a community dedicated to ending hunger for everyone. Join us.

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