High Holy Days

Each year the High Holy Days offer us a moment of reflection and renewal. May the sounding of the shofar call us to act on behalf of all those who are hungry in our midst. Please utilize MAZON’s High Holy Days materials for your family or community observances and contact Liz Braun-Lilenfeld, Director of Outreach, with any questions.

Send E-Cards to Your Loved Ones for the High Holy Days

Sending e-cards is a special way to honor your loved ones an celebrate the High Holy Days together. A donation to MAZON helps us fight for a world in which no one must suffer the indignities of hunger.

Watch our High Holy Days Video

We invite you to watch this short video — on your own, with your loved ones, or as part of a High Holy Days service or learning session — and then reflect on the themes using our discussion guide and other materials below.

The statistics referenced in the video reflect the height of the pandemic. For the latest information, explore our Hunger in America page.

Join Us on Social Media

We’ve put together a toolkit of High Holy Day graphics to share on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share them on your social platforms to engage your community in MAZON’s fight to end hunger this High Holy Day season.

Share MAZON’s High Holy Day Ads

We encourage you to feature MAZON’s High Holy Day ads in your synagogue’s mailings or virtual newsletters, as a way to spread awareness about how your community can join MAZON in our fight against hunger.

Order High Holy Day Materials

Fill out a simple form to order MAZON donation envelopes to distribute during the High Holy Days. This is a perfect way to compliment food drives, encouraging your community to support MAZON's fight to end hunger in every community.

Include MAZON in Your Food Drive
To compliment the food drives that many communities hold for the High Holy Days, we hope you will encourage support for MAZON as well — whether by distributing MAZON materials along with collection bags or starting a community fundraiser to support our work. Together, we can create a world in which every person is able to keep food on their table.
D'var Torah and Sermon Seeds
Ground conversations about hunger in the larger themes of the High Holy Days using MAZON's sample D'var Torah and "sermon seeds" for Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur Activity
Explore options for social action activities and discussions during your Yom Kippur programming.
Sukkot Resources
Sukkot offers an opportunity to gather as a community and celebrate the bounty of the earth — as well as recognize and break down the barriers for those who cannot enjoy that bounty.

Your community can help end hunger.

Many of us participate in food drives during the High Holy Days to help to those facing hunger locally. Please consider taking this one step further by fundraising for MAZON's work to change the systems and policies that allow hunger to persist.


Sharing stories of people struggling with food insecurity is a powerful way to help your community better understand the realities of who is hungry in America today and why. MAZON’s This Is Hunger program includes stories that are ideal for sharing in sermons or High Holy Day study sessions.

This is Hunger

“The food stamps we get aren’t enough to feed four people for a month. It makes me feel sad that my parents sometimes feed us kids and not themselves.”

“If sickness comes along, it can drain all your money in one day. That’s what happened to me.”

“I never imagined I’d get to this age and this would be my life... but if I could get $40 or $50 in food stamps, I could feed myself.”

“When my food stamps run out, it’s kinda scary not knowing if I'm gonna have any money to eat tomorrow.”

Take Action

Hunger in America

Hunger is as prevalent as it is pernicious. Food pantries and distribution sites are vital emergency resources for people facing food insecurity, but charity alone cannot address the full scope of hunger in the U.S., and it was never designed to do so. Learn more about hunger in America and how we can work together to end it.

Include MAZON in Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Jewish tradition teaches that we deepen our own happiness when we share our joyous celebrations with people in need. MAZON has created materials to integrate meaningful tzedakah and tikkun olam opportunities into Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations.

Download our Bar/Bat Mitzvah guide and please contact Naama Haviv, Vice President of Community Engagement, for more information.

Urge Congress to Reintroduce the Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act

Join us in urging Congress to reintroduce the Tribal Nutrition Improvement Act, which would enable Tribes to administer child nutrition programs in Indian Country and ensure culturally appropriate food. Take action now.

Educate Your Community

MAZON offers a suite of materials to help educate and engage individuals and communities about the scope of hunger and how we can work together to end it. Learn more.

Stay up to date on our news.