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K-12 Curriculum

We hope you will utilize our resources and opportunities for individuals, synagogues, schools, and community groups to learn more and join us to end hunger. Please contact Naama Haviv, Vice President of Community Engagement, with any questions.

Grades K-2
These activities encourage students to express gratitude and explore the concept of tzedakah in the fight to end hunger.
Grades 3-4
This "No Holiday From Justice" series includes hunger-related activities connected to the Jewish holidays of Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, and Purim.
Grades 5-6
This 4-part series empowers students to explore hunger issues through art and media.
Grades 7-8: Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guide
This Bar/Bat Mitzvah Project Guide provides materials and directions for how to include MAZON in your celebration.
High School: 5-Session Series
This series of 5 one-hour sessions on Hunger, Justice, and Jewish Values is ideal for an elective block or as part of a larger unit on social justice and Jewish values.
High School: Advocacy in Action
Advocacy In Action allows high school students to act out the process of engaging with stakeholders and policymakers through local policy change.
Middle School and High School: Hunger Museum Curriculum
This curriculum is to be used in conjunction with MAZON's digital Hunger Museum.
Middle School and High School: Writing to Make a Difference
Writing to Make a Difference is a worksheet that you can use as part of our Hunger Museum Curriculum.
This is Hunger

“The food stamps we get aren’t enough to feed four people for a month. It makes me feel sad that my parents sometimes feed us kids and not themselves.”

“I had planned to work until I wasn’t able to anymore. I thought that after working hard all my life, I’d be living the good life now.”

“We were one of those couples that purchased the house we could afford...”

Take Action

Take Action to Support Military Families

Please join us in urging all members of Congress to address the long-overdue issue of military hunger.

Make a gift to MAZON’s COVID-19 Response Fund today

Our COVID-19 Response Fund supports our critical efforts to ensure that everyone has immediate access to the food they need, with dignity — without exposing themselves to further danger or putting their dietary or nutritional needs to the side. Your support makes MAZON’s work possible. Make your gift today.

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