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Quick Reaction Fund

It is critical — now, more than ever — for anti-hunger leaders to be nimble and respond quickly to pressing issues that will disproportionately impact the lives of people facing hunger. MAZON’s Quick Reaction Fund was created to enable and empower innovative, rapid-response initiatives that may emerge at a moment’s notice.

How It Works:
MAZON’s Quick Reaction Fund provides one-time grants in amounts ranging from $500-$15,000. Recognizing that qualifying opportunities are time-sensitive, MAZON processes grant applications as quickly as possible, with a target of responding within a few business days.

Note: Special consideration may be given to opportunities addressing hunger within MAZON’s priority programmatic areas: military families, veterans, Native Americans, single mothers, and LGBTQ older adults. Preference will also be given to state and local organizations.


  • The proposal must be in response to an unexpected challenge or opportunity for advocacy or organizing that will advance the anti-hunger agenda and/or protect nutritional safety net programs.
  • The specific event, opportunity, or challenge to which your organization is responding must be unforeseen and/or time sensitive.
  • MAZON funds must have an immediate, clear, and realistic impact on the event, opportunity, or challenge to which the organization is responding.
  • All potential grantees, including faith-based groups, must be a public-benefit charity with an IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. MAZON cannot grant to individuals

MAZON will support:

  • Unanticipated, time-sensitive, innovative, and bold initiatives in anti-hunger advocacy
  • Actions in response to unforeseen legislation, political development, or public attack
  • Targeted media in response to state or national events
  • Travel funds for community leaders and constituents to attend a newly-organized day of action on a pressing anti-hunger issue

MAZON will not support:

  • Budgeting shortfalls in long-term program or general operating revenues
  • Organizations that have received Quick Reaction Fund grants within the last 6 months
  • Endowments or capital campaigns
  • Direct service initiatives
  • Religious or electoral activities
  • Academic studies or reports
  • Disaster relief
  • International events or campaigns
  • Participation in or organization of recurring annual events such as a Hunger Action Day
  • Staff time and related expenses (salary, benefits, other fringe expenses, etc.)

Click here to apply

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. To submit a request, please complete the online application and submit the following documents:

  • 501(c)(3) IRS letter or Letter of Resolution from your fiscal sponsor
  • Project budget and background

Please contact Mia Hubbard, Vice President of Programs, with any questions.

Recent Projects

Justice in Kentucky

With support from MAZON, the Kentucky Equal Justice Center succeeded in beating back a terrible proposal that would have been devastating for people in the state who need to access public assistance programs. Read more.

Calling for Action in Missouri

MAZON support enabled our partners at Empower Missouri to create and air radio ads about the impact of COVID-19 on Missouri’s health, economy, and family security. Learn more.

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