MAZON Hunger Shabbat

Shabbat offers a weekly opportunity to speak about the Jewish teachings and traditions that ground our work to end hunger. Just as every community is different, Hunger Shabbat programming can be tailored to your unique needs and interests. Some congregations hold an annual Shabbat service or educational program, and others focus on hunger as a theme for a season or year. No matter how you choose to raise awareness in your community, we hope MAZON’s resources will help you create an educational and empowering experience.

Please contact Liz Braun-Lilenfeld, Director of Outreach, to let us know you are planning a Hunger Shabbat. We will support you with the latest resources to inform and engage your congregants, and we would love to share your d’var torah, reflection, or photos.


Hunger Shabbat text study
Jewish texts about poverty and hunger

This is Hunger

"I make sure that my son eats and then I worry about myself. That’s just what a parent does. I take him to a lunch program to make sure he’s getting food."

“When my food stamps run out, it’s kinda scary not knowing if I'm gonna have any money to eat tomorrow.”

“We were one of those couples that purchased the house we could afford...”

“I’m doing all I can and serving my country, and I have to worry about how I’m going to buy food?”

Take Action

Take Action to Support Military Families

Please join us in urging all members of Congress to address the long-overdue issue of military hunger. Take action now.

Make a gift to MAZON’s Spotlight Fund

Your partnership allows MAZON to be the national Jewish voice dedicated to fighting hunger, particularly for those facing hunger whose struggles are too often over-looked, disregarded, or discounted. Together, we have made a commitment to shine a spotlight on those issues and populations where larger organizations and the government have yet to turn their focus.

Your support of MAZON’s Spotlight Fund helps us fight hunger, particularly for those who are often over-looked, disregarded, or discounted. Together, we shine a spotlight on issues of food insecurity among military families, veterans, Native Americans, single mothers, LGBTQ seniors, college students, and the people of Puerto Rico and the territories. Your gift today strengthens this mission and helps to build a community dedicated to ending hunger for everyone. Join us.

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