Josh Protas, MAZON Vice President of Public Policy, is quoted in this article from Kansas City Fox 4 on military hunger.
Josh Protas, vice-president of public policy for Mazon, said FOX4’s findings are a good indicator of just how widespread this issue is in Missouri and nationwide.
“There’s clearly a problem here that’s going unaddressed when we have that many military children who are needing that extra assistance,” said Protas. “The issue of food insecurity among currently serving military families is shocking to people. They’re surprised that this is an issue at all.”
“The truth is it’s a dirty little secret that people (in the military) would rather not acknowledge,” he added. “And yet, it really is a widespread phenomenon.”
Mazon has addressed military hunger for nearly 10 years.
“In past years, nationwide, close to 50% of military children in DODE-run schools qualified for free and reduced-price meals. It’s between one-third and one-half in some schools.”
“In Fort Stewart in Georgia, it was 65% of the military children,” he added. “So that tells you everything you need to know.”